Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/21 kettlebell workout

Halos 5 x 2 x 40 lbs.
Slingshots 8 x 2 x 55 lbs.
Figure 8's: 10 x 2 x 55 lbs.

Swings 10 x 55#
TGU 2 x 55# (left & right)
front squat x 5 x 110#
Clean & press 5 x 2 x 55#
Snatch 2 x 5 x 55#
repeat the above 3 x

crunches x 20
contra lateral push-ups x 10
bent rows 2 x 5 x 55#
barbell bench press 10 x 165#
One arm planks 15 sec./side.

Tried to do all the reps I normally do with 40# bells with 55# bells.
Predictably this led to 25% fewer reps and very quick fatigue.

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