Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/9 kettlebell fun-o-rama

Halos 5 x 2 x 40 lbs.
Slingshots 8 x 2 x 55 lbs.
Figure 8's: 10 x 2 x 55 lbs.

Swings 5 x 55#
TGU 2 x 55# (left & right)
front squat x 5 x 80#
seesaw military press 5 x 2 x 40#
Snatch 2 x 5 x 55#
repeat the above 4 x

crunches X 20
Kettlebell arm curls (towel through handle) x 8 (55 lb)
Kettlebell behind the head  tricep extensions (towel through handle) x 8 (55 lb).
1 arm planks on bell 15 sec each arm

30 minutes for the lot. Had to take a few days off due to a pulled muscle issue, seems to have healed OK.

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